About Us
Join us for a memorable meal created with a dedication to relaxed upscale dining and backed by a lifetime of experience. Our mission is to bring the bright, vibrant flavors of the Mediterranean to the warm, savory flavors of the Eastern Shore for a unique dining experience served only at 208 Talbot Street. With each plate, the entire Plates at 208 team will strive to impress your palate while providing the highest degree of service.

Your Host
The proud tradition of 208 Talbot with it's illustrious history of gourmet dining is once again home to an extraordinary dining experience. Owner Aida Khalil invites you to enjoy a plate full of exceptional culinary traditions at Plates at 208.
Aida and her sister Raida created this unique restaurant & have combined 35 years as restauranteurs and experience in the hospitality industry. The sister culinary innovations combine the best of local ingredients and cuisine with the rich flavors of the Mediterranean.
We invite you to join us on this culinary journey....
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The Restaurant
Plates at 208 has 6 dining rooms to greet our guests. To elevate your dining experience each dining room is decorated to reflect the port city on the Mediterranean for which it's named and each port city is reflected in our menu selections
Port of Covington, Maryland
Port of Valencia, Spain
Port of Piraeus, Greece,
Port of Lataqia, Syria
Port of Messina, Italy
Port of Tangiers, Morocco